After a nearly 14 month interruption the first MiG-21 flights in Bulgaria took place at Graf Ignatievo Air base on 18.02.2014. The type was grounded after its maintenance resource expired at the end of 2012. The plane that got airborne was a MiG-21UM, tail number 28. The aircraft with serial number 516999377 was built in August 1981 in the Tbilisi plant and was delivered in Bulgaria in September the same year. Tail number 28 received a new camouflage and a special writing on its back - "50 years of service to Bulgaria" to mark the operation of MiG-21 in Bulgaria 50th anniversary (celebrated on 12.11.2013).
Initial reports indicate that test flights have been passed successfully and uneventfully, which will enable two MiG-21bis to be flight tested in the same manner during the next couple of days. The airworthiness restoration procedure of MiG-21 is being conducted by the accepted at the end of 2013 "MiG-21 designated and maintenance lifetime testing and extension program and methodics". The aforementioned documents enable the Bulgarian Air Force to conduct activities related to bringing aircraft and equipment to operational state after their maintenance resource has expired. All these activities are conducted by Air Force's technical staff without the participation of RSK-MiG. Regular flights with MiG-21 at Graf Ignatievo are expected to be restored in early March. The plans predict the recovery of 4 MiG-21bis total and a two-seater MiG-21UM. Their service will continue at least until the end of 2014 or to the end of 2015.