My name is Anton Balakchiev, I was born in Sofia in 1978. I'm a freelance photographer. I started shooting in 2003 when I found a small Casio Exilim EX-S3 digital camera on the street. In the following years I got to use various Canon cameras and lenses to suit the demand of my improving photographic skills. At the time being I'm using Canon EOS 5D Mk III with 24-105/4 L IS and 100-400/4.5-5.6 L IS lenses. I also have an Uniden UBC30XLT airband scanner which is very useful when taking aviation pictures.
I've been actively showing my photographs on the Internet since 2004. I'm uploading aviation photography images on www.bgspotters.net and www.airliners.net. I became a crewmember and also one of the screeners at BGspotters. In the following years pictures of mine were published in "Krile" magazine, "Today's Pilot" magazine and some of the most popular Bulgarian daily newspapers. I've been actively cooperating with "AERO" magazine's crew since its foundation in 2008.
I am a cofounder of Bulgarian Aviation Society, which unites photographers and aviation enthusiasts. I had actively participated in the organization of a variety of photographic exhibitions as part of my activities within BAS.
I'm operative manager of STREAMER.BG, where we are providing video and live streaming services.
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